Understanding Sex Crime Convictions in Rochester
Conviction for a sexual offense, such as rape or sexual assault can result in lengthy prison sentences, as well as a lifetime listing on sexual offender registries. Sexual offense charges must be dealt with seriously and defended aggressively.
Rape is a violent sexual offense that involves forced sexual intercourse without consent. The criminal defense attorneys at Tully Rinckey PLLC are experienced in handling rape charges and accusations.
The term is often used interchangeably with sexual assault or criminal sexual conduct, though the two are not legally exactly the same. Rape is an extremely serious offense that can be complex because of any number of extenuating circumstances. Accusations of rape can cause irreparable damage to a person’s reputation, regardless if they are convicted.
A conviction for rap e can result in severe consequences, which may include:
- Prison time
- Mandatory registration as a sex offender
- Loss of certain rights
- Mandatory rehabilitation
- Large fines
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault includes any nonconsensual forced sexual activity, including intercourse, touching, molestation, or other abuse. The criminal defense attorneys at Tully Rinckey PLLC are experienced with handling sexual assault charges.
Sexual assault is an extremely serious crime that can be complicated by any number of extenuating circumstances. Charges of sexual assault can impact the accused for a lifetime.
A conviction for sexual assault can result in severe consequences, which may include:
- Prison time
- Mandatory registration as a sex offender
- Loss of certain rights
- Mandatory rehabilitation
- Large fines
Statutory Rape
Statutory rape involves sexual conduct where one of the participants is below the age required to give consent for the behavior. The criminal defense attorneys at Tully Rinckey PLLC are experienced in handling statutory rape charges.
Statutory rape differs from forcible sex crimes because no overt threat or force needs to be present. Because the victim of the crime is not able to legally give consent, coercion is assumed. Statutory rape cases can be complicated by many different factors, including the age difference between accused and victim, among others.
A conviction for statutory rape can result in severe consequences, which may include:
- Prison time
- Mandatory registration as a sex offender
- Loss of certain rights
- Mandatory rehabilitation
- Large fines
Solicitation for prostitution involves asking for or encouraging the exchange of sexual services for money. The criminal defense attorneys at Tully Rinckey PLLC are experienced in handling solicitation charges.
This type of sex crime can cause irreparable damage to a person’s reputation. Law enforcement agencies constantly run undercover operations meant to target otherwise innocent individuals. In addition, these charges can be complicated by the fact that seemingly legal establishments are often accused of harboring these types of crimes.
A conviction for solicitation can result in severe consequences, which may include:
- Prison time
- Loss of certain rights
- Mandatory rehabilitation
- Large fines
Child Abuse
The criminal defense attorneys at Tully Rinckey PLLC are experienced in handling child abuse charges.
Child sexual abuse encompasses a broad range of sexual crimes against minors, which includes molestation, indecent exposure, child pornography (or the displaying of pornography to a child), among other crimes.
Victims of child abuse are acquainted with their abuser in the vast majority of these crimes. Child sexual abuse offenders are treated with severe consequences due to the helplessness of their victims. Regardless of whether the accused is convicted, the consequences for accusations of child abuse can stay with a person throughout their life.
A conviction for child abuse can result in severe consequences, which may include:
- Prison time
- Mandatory registration as a sex offender
- Loss of certain rights
- Mandatory rehabilitation
- Large fines