Understanding Drug Charges in Rochester
No matter what the offense, however, you need strong legal representation that will work for you to receive the best possible outcome.
After a person has been charged with a drug-related offense, such as marijuana possession, the smartest thing to do is consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney. An attorney will guarantee that their rights are protected. A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney can evaluate the case and advise on the best course of action. In many cases, the charges can be reduced or even dismissed.
Drug possession involves handling or harboring any type of illegal substance. It can also include any drug paraphernalia or chemicals or apparatus to be used to manufacture or cultivate illegal drugs. The criminal defense attorneys at Tully Rinckey PLLC are experienced in handling drug possession charges.
Drug offenses carry the potential for severe punishment. Prosecutors have the power of the state behind them and often press hard to obtain convictions in such cases.
Drug possession laws are extremely complex, and require the assistance of an experienced attorney, who can see that your rights are protected through every phase in the process. Don’t risk your rights or freedom by facing a prosecutor alone. Penalties for a drug possession conviction may include:
- Prison sentence
- Fines
- Probation
- Forced registration as a narcotics offender
- Suspension or loss of driver’s license
- Mandatory drug testing
Distribution, Transportation, Trafficking
The known distribution or transportation of an illegal drug is a serious crime. The criminal defense attorneys at Tully Rinckey PLLC are experienced in handling trafficking charges.
Prosecutors are relentless when dealing with these charges. Even when dealing with small amounts of a substance, the penalty for a conviction can be extremely harsh. Penalties for a drug distribution conviction may include:
- Prison sentence
- Fines
- Probation
- Forced registration as a narcotics offender
- Suspension or loss of driver’s license
- Mandatory drug testing
Manufacture and Sales
The manufacture or sale of an illegal drug is a serious crime that usually results in felony charges. The criminal defense attorneys at Tully Rinckey PLLC are experienced in handling drug manufacture charges.
Penalties for a drug manufacture or sale conviction may include:
- Prison sentence
- Fines
- Probation
- Forced registration as a narcotics offender
- Suspension or loss of driver’s license
- Mandatory drug testing
- Forfeiture of all property gained as a result of drug profits