
Legal matters are rarely simple, which is why Tully Rinckey PLLC attorneys like to share their knowledge about specific topics through our articles page. Here, you will find articles to help make sense of complex legal issues. If you have a legal topic you would like us to address in our articles, please email

Can you keep a (Trade) Secret?

Pitfalls and Prospects for the Small Business Owner In an ever-evolving collaborative economy, business owners find themselves increasingly relying on outside entities to help…

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Hatch Act Protects Freedom of Political Speech on Social Media… to a Point

Lately, federal employees have been using social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to air their views about the Trump administration, and their prevailing concern has…

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Estate Planning after a Divorce

Though a divorce can be a difficult time in your life, it is always important to think ahead about your future and this new phase in your life. After the dust settles from the…

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Modifying Child Support Payments

Whether your business is hit by an economic downturn, you lost your job or you experienced a pay cut, the deciding factors when a court is considering reducing a parent’s…

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Tips for Executing a Will; Causa Mortis Gift Requirements

Legal Chat: Deathbed gifts If a friend gives me her jewelry on her deathbed, does that count as a valid gift that I can keep? A gift given when someone confronts his own mortality…

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Punishments for traditional drugs vs. synthetic

By, Mathew B. Tully Q. Does the military more harshly punish service members who use traditional illegal drugs as opposed to synthetic drugs, such as spice? A. The service…

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Legal Beat: Furloughed Feds Could Lose Security Clearance Due to Debt

Q. I’m a federal employee, and between all the furloughs brought by sequestration and the shutdown, I’m starting to have trouble paying my bills. I know financial problems…

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Ask the Lawyer: Can a Retiree Face Charges For Actions Committed While on Active Duty?

Q. After I retire from the military, can I face court-martial charges for offenses committed while on active duty? A. Leaving the military does not make a retiree untouchable to…

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Ask the Lawyer: Can They Force My Wife to Testify Against Me?

Q. I told my wife about something wrong I did. Can the government make her testify against me? A. Generally, in the military what a husband and wife confidentially tell each other…

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Summertime Sick Leave Abuse Can Sink Federal Careers

For many federal employees stuck at work on sunny summer days, longing looks outside office windows grow longer and the temptation to play hooky grows stronger. However, employees…

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