
Legal matters are rarely simple, which is why Tully Rinckey PLLC attorneys like to share their knowledge about specific topics through our articles page. Here, you will find articles to help make sense of complex legal issues. If you have a legal topic you would like us to address in our articles, please email

Immigration Alert: Updates From The Biden Administration

Department of Homeland Security to Remove Terms “Alien” and “Illegal Alien” Buzzfeed news has reported this week via a leaked memo that the Biden Administration has…

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H1B Visa Lottery 2021 – What You Need To Know

The H1B visa registration process for Fiscal Year 2022 will soon open on March 9 and will remain open until March 26. Employers are advised to prepare as early as possible to take…

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Court Trials in the Days of COVID: How Courts and Litigants are Proceeding

The COIVD-19 pandemic has forced courts to adapt new procedures and policies in order to make proceedings safe but productive. For people looking to pursue legal action, there are…

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Immigration Alert: New Executive Orders from The Biden Administration

“Revisions to Interpretation of the Public Charge Rule President Biden issued an executive order directing federal agencies to immediately review the regulations and policy…

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Biden Administration Executive Order Update

Updated Travel Restrictions and Required Covid 19 Tests: The Biden Administration has issued an executive order reinstating the prior Administration’s travel restrictions for…

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CDC Requiring Negative COVID-19 Test For Anyone Traveling to the U.S. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expanding the requirement for a negative COVID-19 test to all air passengers entering the United States. This is to address the…

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COVID-19, Foster Care and Visitation

Since March of this year New York has been in various stages of lock-down or has imposed other restrictions on the population’s everyday life. As everyone has experienced, this…

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The Return of COVID and the Courts

COVID-19 is back!  And the outbreak is once again greatly affecting the country, and most heavily, New York State, New York State Courts and Federal Courts.  The Supreme Courts…

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Default Judgments of Divorce in the Time of COVID-19

Prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, a spouse was able to receive a Judgment of Divorce even if the other spouse defaulted or chose not to participate in the divorce…

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New EEOC Guidance May Permit Employers to Require FDA-Approved COVID-19 Vaccine in Limited Circumstances

On December 16, 2020, in the wake of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) emergency use authorization for the first COVID-19 vaccine, the EEOC delivered new guidance as to…

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