
Legal matters are rarely simple, which is why Tully Rinckey PLLC attorneys like to share their knowledge about specific topics through our articles page. Here, you will find articles to help make sense of complex legal issues. If you have a legal topic you would like us to address in our articles, please email

Immigration Alert: Travel Updates & More

India Travel Restrictions Update The Department of State (DOS) has published guidance relating to the Presidential Proclamation restricting the entry of nonimmigrant travelers who…

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Foreign Influence & Preference in an Age of Globalized National Security

As official Washington begins to pull in the reigns with respect to security clearance in the post 9/11 world, agencies are making it clear about how they will approach situations…

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Line of Duty Determinations: Why You Need Them and What to Do if You Don’t Have One

Getting injured in the military is a normal and accepted consequence of choosing to serve. In fact, finding a veteran who did not suffer any injuries during his or her service is…

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Pitfalls of Snapchat and Other Social Media Apps that Might Cost You Your Military Career

While it is to no one’s surprise that social media literacy has been a large issue topic for many Americans recently, people—especially service members—need to be more…

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What implications does the new exec order have for federal employees’ due process rights?

President Joe Biden’s recent Executive Order (EO) on Protecting the Federal Workforce reverses the limitations on employee due process implemented during the prior…

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NYS Employee Paid Leave Rights for COVID-19 Vaccinations

As COVID vaccinations continue to roll out across New York State, many employees are wondering what their rights are with regard to getting time off to receive the vaccine.…

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Three Consequences of Using Marijuana After Your State “Legalizes”

States across the country are claiming to have legalized marijuana. While they have the authority to do so for State law only, marijuana still remains an illegal Schedule 1 drug…

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Immigration Alert: Legislation Updates

Embassy and Consulate Visa Services Update: The Department of State (DOS) has issued an updated advisory on the status of visa services as they slowly resume operations. The DOS…

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Maintaining Green Card Status

Legal permanent residence status is obtained generally via family or employer sponsorship. One of the key aspects of maintaining a green card is maintaining an existing…

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2020 Travel Restrictions and National Interest Exemptions

Looking back at the ways our lives have changed in 2020 one of the most significant upheavals has been international travel restrictions. The unprecedented spread of Covid-19…

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