
Legal matters are rarely simple, which is why Tully Rinckey PLLC attorneys like to share their knowledge about specific topics through our articles page. Here, you will find articles to help make sense of complex legal issues. If you have a legal topic you would like us to address in our articles, please email

Immigration Alert: U.S. System Overhaul & More

Revisions to the National Interest Exemptions The Department of State has released updated guidance regarding the National Interest Exemption process for travelers subject to…

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Obtain or Maintain Your Security Clearance Despite Engaging in Unfavorable Sexual Conduct

Many security clearance holders who work for or on behalf of the U.S. government are required to travel or be deployed overseas in support of U.S. missions. These temporary duty…

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How to Prevent an ROTC Disenrollment

No Cadet or Midshipmen joins the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) with the thought that they will face disenrollment. However, many can fall victim to losing their future…

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International Entrepreneur Parole Guide:

The International Entrepreneur Rule is back and although it never really got off the ground in its first form, the USCIS is accepting applications again. The International…

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Latest Guidance for Federal Employees on the COVID Emergency Paid Leave Program

As the summer months approach and the latest CDC guidance rolls out, many Americans are heading out to get their COVID vaccinations. According to the CDC, there has been a total…

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How Marijuana and Other Drug Use Can Affect you in Family Court

With the recent legalization of marijuana in New York State, many New Yorkers are still left wondering as to what their rights are in regards to usage and how that might affect…

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Three Tips for International Travel During COVID

As the world begins to open back up from the COVID restrictions, many people are wondering how that correlates to international travel. While the United States has designated…

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Medical and Recreational Marijuana: What New York Employers Really Need to Know

With the passing of the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA), many employers are questioning how this will impact their workplace drug-free policies. There are also…

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What Federal Employees Need to Know About Challenging a Within Grade Increase (WIGI) Denial

Upon being denied a within grade increase (WIGI), it is crucial for federal employees to know the appeal process and timeline so they may properly advocate for themselves. Any…

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The Biden Administration Nominates its First MSPB Chair in Hopes of Moving Closer to Ending its 3,000 Case Backlog

As the Biden administration passes its first 100 days in office, federal employees are wondering if and how this administration will turn around the record-setting four years of…

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