
Legal matters are rarely simple, which is why Tully Rinckey PLLC attorneys like to share their knowledge about specific topics through our articles page. Here, you will find articles to help make sense of complex legal issues. If you have a legal topic you would like us to address in our articles, please email

The Essentials for Winning a Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Malpractice Claim

Every year, thousands of vets suffer from the poor medical treatment they receive at VA hospitals or medical facilities. From medication and diagnosis errors, to surgical errors…

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What Service Members Need to Know About Non-Judicial Punishment

Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice Article 15, a Commander or Commanding Officer may give Non-Judicial Punishment to service members to maintain good order and…

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How to Avoid Jeopardizing Your Security Clearance: Guideline F, Financial Considerations

As the Federal security adjudicators return to the office full time, the scrutiny on security clearances and resulting reviews and adjudications will move back to their 2019…

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Military Criminal Records – What do they mean? How do they impact you? How do you correct them?

Everyone has seen the criminal dramas on TV and has a general understanding of what it means to be arrested, but in the military, an “arrest” is quite different. This…

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When Revocable Living Trusts Make Sense for New York Residents

In some states, Florida for example, a revocable living trust (“Rev Trust”) is often used as the primary estate planning document rather than a Will. This involves collecting…

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Another Reason to Celebrate National Hire a Veteran Day

Why hire a veteran, you may ask? Well, apart from the obvious reasons of them being loyal, having a great work ethic, and being great team players and leaders, did you know that…

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Immigration Alert: Canada’s Border Re-opening & More

Canada to Re-Open to International Travelers on September 7, 2021 On September 7, 2021, the Canadian Government intends to open Canada’s borders to any fully vaccinated…

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Immigration Alert: Legislative Updates & More

Infrastructure Bill Potentially to Include Immigration Changes The $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill that is being debated in the house may include certain key immigration reform…

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Do I Need a Security Clearance Attorney?

I hear far too often as a security clearance attorney, “I didn’t know I should hire an attorney” or “my security officer told me I could handle this myself.” In nearly…

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New York gives birth to Paid Surrogacy

As of February 2021, New York joined the majority of states that allow for parties to contract and pay for a third party to carry their child to birth. Many years ago, New York…

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