
Legal matters are rarely simple, which is why Tully Rinckey PLLC attorneys like to share their knowledge about specific topics through our articles page. Here, you will find articles to help make sense of complex legal issues. If you have a legal topic you would like us to address in our articles, please email

Immigration Alert: Vaccine Requirements & USCIS Updates

USCIS Covid-19 Vaccination Requirements Starting October 1, the USCIS will require all intending immigrants to demonstrate they have been vaccinated against Covid-19. The…

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COVID-19 Vaccines and Mask Mandates in Education: What Parents Need to Know

As universities, secondary, and primary schools gear up for another school year, many parents still have questions and concerns around how COVID-19 will affect their child’s…

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What New York State’s Eviction Moratorium Extension Means For Landlords

Since former Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the initial New York Eviction Moratorium on March 20, 2021, New York State landlords have received little to no assistance from the New…

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Immigration Alert: Policy Changes & Budget Updates

Immigration Reform Included in House Budget Resolution The House of Representatives has passed a $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package that includes a $107 billion…

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Does an Alcohol Related Incident Prevent Me From Obtaining or Maintaining a Security Clearance?

Under Guideline G, Alcohol Consumption, the government may have security concerns related to excessive alcohol consumption as it may lead to questionable judgment or criminal…

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Veterans Will Now Have Presumptive Conditions for Burn Pit Exposure

The VA has agreed to presume certain disabilities are linked to exposure to toxic fumes from burn pits. The VA will now recognize asthma, rhinitis, and sinusitis as diseases…

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Can the President Force Members of our Military to Take the Experimental COVID Vaccine?

This is a question that is yet to be answered, but tens of thousands of service members across the world want to know. Of course, the answer is “It depends.” For many service…

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Who gets the Pet in a Divorce? From Chattel to Childlike Custody.

Child custody cases can be some of the most emotionally charged battles a person can experience in the course of their life. But these days, the fight for custody has been…

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Marijuana Legalization: What Effect in Family Courts?

The recent changes to the marijuana laws in New York State have already begun to have a huge impact on people’s daily lives. While many are happy about the changes allowing…

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Immigration Alert: Policy Updates from the USCIS & CDC

USCIS Updates Policy on Children Born Though Assistive Reproductive Technology U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) updated its policy guidance for determining…

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