
Legal matters are rarely simple, which is why Tully Rinckey PLLC attorneys like to share their knowledge about specific topics through our articles page. Here, you will find articles to help make sense of complex legal issues. If you have a legal topic you would like us to address in our articles, please email

Starting November 9th, Agencies Can Start Enforcing Disciplinary Actions for Employees Who Aren’t Vaccinated

The United States Office of Personal Management (OPM) announced that Tuesday, November 9th is the first day that federal employees are subject to disciplinary actions for not…

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How to Prepare for a Virtual Hearing in Court

Much like the pandemic itself wherein adaptability and preparedness beget success, those same qualities are necessary to find success in court as well. However, as many courts…

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The Importance of Co-Parenting

For any couple that may be going through a divorce or break up, the process can become even more challenging when custody and parenting issues arise. In New York, when parents…

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The New Framework for International Travel is Here!

Starting on November 8, non-citizen, non-immigrant air travelers to the United States will be required to be fully vaccinated and to provide proof of vaccination status prior to…

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How to Obtain or Maintain a Security Clearance Despite Prior Drug Use

Under Guideline H, Drug Involvement, the government may have security concerns about past or current illegal drug use since this can raise questions as to your judgment,…

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5 Common Types of Surgical Errors That Can Lead to Medical Malpractice Claims and How to Win Them

Undergoing surgery always has risks. Even when surgeons have a comprehensive knowledge of the procedure, accidents are still prone to happen. However, some of these accidents are…

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Immigration Alert: New Travel Guidance for the US & the UK, Immigration Reform Efforts Fail Initial Review

US to allow vaccinated travelers under new travel guidance After numerous stories circulated over the weekend the Biden Administration announced on Monday that they will be…

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Do I Need a Prenuptial Agreement if I Don’t Have Any Assets?

A common misconception is that a prenuptial agreement is only for the rich and famous, however, this is simply not true. While it is certainly not the most romantic part of your…

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How to Reapply for a Security Clearance After a Denial or Revocation as a DOD Government Contractor

If your clearance is denied or revoked after a lengthy adjudication process, you are probably asking yourself, “will I ever be able to obtain a security clearance again?” The…

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How to Protect Your Military Career from a Failed Drug Test

If you are in the military, there is no doubt you have heard the term “zero tolerance” when it comes to the topic of drugs. To be fair, this is a justified rule and policy. If…

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