
Category: Security Clearance Representation

Obtain or Maintain Your Security Clearance Despite Engaging in Unfavorable Sexual Conduct

Many security clearance holders who work for or on behalf of the U.S. government are required to travel or be deployed overseas in support of U.S. missions. These temporary duty…

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Foreign Influence & Preference in an Age of Globalized National Security

As official Washington begins to pull in the reigns with respect to security clearance in the post 9/11 world, agencies are making it clear about how they will approach situations…

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Three Consequences of Using Marijuana After Your State “Legalizes”

States across the country are claiming to have legalized marijuana. While they have the authority to do so for State law only, marijuana still remains an illegal Schedule 1 drug…

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Three Social Media Activities That Might Cost You Your Security Clearance

It should be no surprise that most clearance holders have active social media accounts on one or more of the many available platforms. Censorship has rapidly increased over the…

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Security clearance changes could have serious impacts on military personnel and federal employees

Have a security clearance? Make sure your bills are paid on time. New security clearance guidelines that include continuous monitoring of the financial status of military…

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Top-secret: Select few retain active security clearance after leaving official capacity

It is a longstanding tradition that some high-ranking, former senior officials from past presidential administrations retain active security clearances after leaving their…

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What to Do If Your Security Clearance Is Denied

Applying for security clearance with the federal government can sometimes be daunting. Whether you’re applying for confidential, secret, or top secret security clearance, the…

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