
Category: Security Clearance Representation

Foreign Contact Reporting Requirements for Security Clearance Holders

The reporting of contacts, specifically foreign contacts, for clearance holders is of the utmost importance for continued access authorization. All security clearance holders have…

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Reapplying for a Security Clearance After a Denial or Revocation

“I will never be able to get a security clearance again after this denial.” That is a common thought that many people feel after having a clearance denied or revoked. However,…

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Why Did Congress Ban TikTok From Federal Devices?

The announced decision by the House of Representatives spotlights the growing social media security concern created by individuals and corporations working with, or for, the…

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Will George Santos’ Lies Cost Him Access to Classified Information?

Rep.-elect George Santos (R-NY) has been unmasked as purveyor of so many falsehoods, it’s really hard to know where the fiction ends and the real person begins. He has also,…

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What is a Loss of Jurisdiction and How Can it Impact My Security Clearance?

A loss of jurisdiction in the security clearance adjudication process can be a major red flag for employers and potential sponsors for a security clearance. According to the…

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Understanding Guideline B: Foreign Influence

Many employees and contractors of the United States federal government, military personnel, government officials, and other individuals charged with upholding public safety and…

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New Foreign Travel Reporting Requirements for America’s Elite and Secured Workforce

Recent reform of facilities clearance regulations now demands more of the corporate facilities security officer (FSO). On February 24, 2021, the NISPOM Rule was codified in the…

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How the Cancellation of 6 Billion Dollars in Student Loan Debt Will Impact Your Security Clearance

Delinquent student loan debt is a major concern that could negatively impact your security clearance if you do not take action to resolve it. Delinquent student loan debt in…

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How the Misuse of Information Technology Systems Can Have a Negative Impact on an Individual’s Security Clearance

The misuse of information technology systems in relation to national security clearance is governed under Guideline M, Use of Information Technology Systems in the Security…

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Will Aiding or Fighting for Ukraine Impact My Security Clearance?

The conflict in Ukraine has brought forth opportunities for humanitarian and military assistance in all types and forms. While this is an admirable action, if you hold a security…

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