Category: Military Law
By, Mathew B. Tully Q. Does the military more harshly punish service members who use traditional illegal drugs as opposed to synthetic drugs, such as spice? A. The service…
Q. After I retire from the military, can I face court-martial charges for offenses committed while on active duty? A. Leaving the military does not make a retiree untouchable to…
Q. I told my wife about something wrong I did. Can the government make her testify against me? A. Generally, in the military what a husband and wife confidentially tell each other…
Originally posted in New York Law Journal. With the last U.S. forces being pulled out of Iraq in December 2011 and troops expected to leave Afghanistan by 2014, over 1 million…
When deciding whether to take a case to court-martial instead of Captain’s Mast, the big question is how hard do you want to fight for your innocence? The next question is do…
Question: Can I be punished for adultery if I am legally separated? Could I be charged with anything else? Answer: Yes, you can be convicted of adultery even though you were…
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