Category: Military Law
Due to the uniquely coercive factors present in the military, many times, those who are accused of misconduct feel pressured to speak up to give their side of the story. This…
Article 138 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UMCJ) is one of the most powerful rights for a service member wronged by their command. Despite its power, many service…
With the military’s need for order and good conduct amongst its ranks, it is necessary that they have some way of enforcing order and determining whether or not certain…
Unfortunately, military retirement pay stops after the death of the retiree. What this means is that a military veteran could devote their entire career and life to their service,…
If you are in the military, there is no doubt you have heard the term “zero tolerance” when it comes to the topic of drugs. To be fair, this is a justified rule and policy. If…
The VA has agreed to presume certain disabilities are linked to exposure to toxic fumes from burn pits. The VA will now recognize asthma, rhinitis, and sinusitis as diseases…
This is a question that is yet to be answered, but tens of thousands of service members across the world want to know. Of course, the answer is “It depends.” For many service…
Every year, thousands of vets suffer from the poor medical treatment they receive at VA hospitals or medical facilities. From medication and diagnosis errors, to surgical errors…
Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice Article 15, a Commander or Commanding Officer may give Non-Judicial Punishment to service members to maintain good order and…
Everyone has seen the criminal dramas on TV and has a general understanding of what it means to be arrested, but in the military, an “arrest” is quite different. This…
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