Category: Federal Employment Law
As the Biden administration passes its first 100 days in office, federal employees are wondering if and how this administration will turn around the record-setting four years of…
President Joe Biden’s recent Executive Order (EO) on Protecting the Federal Workforce reverses the limitations on employee due process implemented during the prior…
The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) recently filed an amicus curiae brief with the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) in Salazar v. Dept. of Veterans Affairs, a whistleblower…
Throughout Joe Biden’s bid for the presidency, his campaign was candid about its desire to overturn many of the Trump era policies regarding employment issues, labor law and…
On December 16, 2020, in the wake of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) emergency use authorization for the first COVID-19 vaccine, the EEOC delivered new guidance as to…
Part Two of a Two-Part Series In our first article, we addressed the implications of newly proposed legislation, the Merit Systems Protection Board Empowerment Act of 2020…
Part One of a Two-Part Series On July 30, 2020, members of the House of Representatives, led by Gerald Connolly of Virginia and Carolyn B. Maloney of New York, introduced the…
With states all over the country lifting stay at home orders, many Federal Agencies are beginning to reopen and bringing teleworking employees back to the office, in phases. These…
COVID-19 has impacted every part of American life, including the Court system, and it will likely continue to for some time. With most New York civil courts closed until at least…
Another day, another alleged violation of the Hatch Act. High-profile names such as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, White House Counselor Kellyanne…
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