
Category: Federal Employment Law

Do I Have to Return to the Office? What Federal Employees Need to Know About Teleworking Flexibilities

When the pandemic struck, the federal government and many agencies allowed their employees to work from home or telework, serving as a model employer for many businesses and…

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What the Restoration of Quorum at the MSPB Means for Federal Employees

For the first time in five years, the Merit Systems Protection Board finally restored a governing quorum following the Senate approval of two of President Biden’s three nominees…

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The Federal Injunction Impact on Agency Hiring Policies

It has been over a month since Judge Jeffrey Brown of the U.S. Court for the Southern District of Texas issued an injunction on President Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate…

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At Long Last a Record-Breaking Lack of Quorum at the MSPB has Finally Been Restored

On March 1, 2022, the Senate approved two of President Biden’s three nominees for the Merit Systems Protection Board, restoring a governing quorum to the Board for the first…

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Five Years Without a Quorum: Revisiting the Record-Setting Case Backlog at the MSPB

Last January marked the fifth straight year the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) has lacked a quorum. Since the spring of 2019, the quasi-judicial body that protects federal…

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A Federal Injunction: Pausing the Vaccine Mandate for Federal Employees

Judge Jeffrey Brown of the U.S. Court for the Southern District of Texas issued an injunction against President Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate last Friday. The injunction puts…

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COVID-19 Federal Vaccine Mandate: Agencies Encouraged to Delay Proposed Disciplinary Actions

At the end of November, the Biden administration encouraged agencies to hold off on enforcing suspensions or removals for unvaccinated federal employees. The guidance comes after…

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Starting November 9th, Agencies Can Start Enforcing Disciplinary Actions for Employees Who Aren’t Vaccinated

The United States Office of Personal Management (OPM) announced that Tuesday, November 9th is the first day that federal employees are subject to disciplinary actions for not…

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Latest Guidance for Federal Employees on the COVID Emergency Paid Leave Program

As the summer months approach and the latest CDC guidance rolls out, many Americans are heading out to get their COVID vaccinations. According to the CDC, there has been a total…

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What Federal Employees Need to Know About Challenging a Within Grade Increase (WIGI) Denial

Upon being denied a within grade increase (WIGI), it is crucial for federal employees to know the appeal process and timeline so they may properly advocate for themselves. Any…

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