
Category: Family & Matrimonial Law

Adopted Children And The Divorce Process

Is there anything different?? As all parents know, each child is unique and special, no matter how they may have arrived in our family. Each has their own personality, each has…

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An End to Child Marriage: New Age of Consent Law in New York

A law signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo on June 20, 2017 makes it illegal for a child under the age of 17 to marry in New York State. This may not sound like anything new, but most…

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Raise the Age

Do you remember ‘Bewitched” with Samantha and Darren Stephens, Tabitha, and Aunt Clara (really, who could forget Aunt Clara!)?   Not everyone will remember, but for those of…

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Although Costly, Subsidies Available for Adoptive Parents

Whether it is a stepparent adoption, Foster Care Adoption, Private Adoption or even an International Adoption, the cost involved in the adoption process can often be intimidating.…

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Modifying Child Support Payments

Whether your business is hit by an economic downturn, you lost your job or you experienced a pay cut, the deciding factors when a court is considering reducing a parent’s…

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Ask the Lawyer: Modifying Child Support Payments

Question: I’m divorced and own a restaurant. My business is still reeling from a horrible winter and I’m having trouble meeting my child support obligations. At what point…

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Should You Adopt Your Stepchild?

With so many second marriages forming these days, the “blended family” has become a common event. The term refers to families that bring together children from prior marriages…

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