
Category: Family & Matrimonial Law

Children’s passports–what are your obligations?

It is not uncommon for separated or divorced parents to share what is called joint legal custody. Joint legal custody has nothing to do with where the children live or how much…

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Divorces and deductions: Understand how the new tax law could affect you

Planning to get a divorce? If so, you might want to hurry up to avoid the impact of a major federal tax change if you are the payor. As the payee, you may be better off waiting…

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‘Children’s Bill of Rights in Divorce’ can help limit negative effects on kids

Experts estimate that today’s divorce rate stands between 42 percent and 45 percent, slightly lower than the peak years of the 1990s and 2000s, when one in two marriages…

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Child Support Deviations: What They Are, What They Do and How Do You Get One

As many separating couples with children know, child support in New York is subject to a mathematical formula. But just because there is a formula to determine the amount of child…

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Virtual Visitation Provides Supplemental Rights

A hypothetical scenario –A divorced couple develops a child custody plan where the non-custodial father has visitation with their three children every other weekend. The…

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The Ink is Dry, but is the Deal Done?

You have worked long and hard and put a lot of thought and compromise into your Separation or Divorce agreement. You and your lawyer crafted each article carefully and defined…

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The Difference Between Guardianship and Custody of a Child

You may be wondering if there’s a difference between having custody verses having guardianship of a child. Although these are similar legal concepts, they actually differ in a…

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5 Reasons to Hire a Divorce Lawyer

5 Reasons to Hire a Divorce Lawyer If you and your spouse intend to divorce, you may ask yourself: Do I need a divorce lawyer? The answer to this depends on your particular…

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What does child support actually support?

Determination of child support is a key aspect of divorce and Family Court support proceedings involving children. But what exactly is that child support award supposed to cover…

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Your Home Value: is the Internet really a crystal ball?

One of the major assets of most couples is the marital residence. Whether married five years or 30, most couples have invested their time, money and emotion into the family home.…

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