Category: Family & Matrimonial Law
As of February 2021, New York joined the majority of states that allow for parties to contract and pay for a third party to carry their child to birth. Many years ago, New York…
With the recent legalization of marijuana in New York State, many New Yorkers are still left wondering as to what their rights are in regards to usage and how that might affect…
The last thing any parent wants to deal with when it comes to their children is the Child Protective Services (CPS), the Agency charged with investigating allegations of child…
Before you walk down the aisle, consider whether a prenuptial agreement with your future spouse is right for you. It may not be the most romantic part of wedding planning, but it…
The COIVD-19 pandemic has forced courts to adapt new procedures and policies in order to make proceedings safe but productive. For people looking to pursue legal action, there are…
COVID-19 is back! And the outbreak is once again greatly affecting the country, and most heavily, New York State, New York State Courts and Federal Courts. The Supreme Courts…
Prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, a spouse was able to receive a Judgment of Divorce even if the other spouse defaulted or chose not to participate in the divorce…
On November 19, 2020 Tioga County announced that all future fact-finding hearings will be held virtually via the Microsoft TEAMS meeting platform effective Monday, November 23,…
If you share a child with another parent, whether an ex-spouse or not, moving out of state with that child in common can be a problem. Unless the other parent consents, a…
On July 15, 2020, Tully Rinckey expanded its reach in the Capital District by opening an office at 125 High Rock Ave. in Saratoga Springs. We opened the office in Saratoga Springs…
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