
Category: Family & Matrimonial Law

The Importance of Co-Parenting

For any couple that may be going through a divorce or break up, the process can become even more challenging when custody and parenting issues arise. In New York, when parents…

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Do I Need a Prenuptial Agreement if I Don’t Have Any Assets?

A common misconception is that a prenuptial agreement is only for the rich and famous, however, this is simply not true. While it is certainly not the most romantic part of your…

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Who gets the Pet in a Divorce? From Chattel to Childlike Custody.

Child custody cases can be some of the most emotionally charged battles a person can experience in the course of their life. But these days, the fight for custody has been…

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Marijuana Legalization: What Effect in Family Courts?

The recent changes to the marijuana laws in New York State have already begun to have a huge impact on people’s daily lives. While many are happy about the changes allowing…

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New York gives birth to Paid Surrogacy

As of February 2021, New York joined the majority of states that allow for parties to contract and pay for a third party to carry their child to birth. Many years ago, New York…

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How Marijuana and Other Drug Use Can Affect you in Family Court

With the recent legalization of marijuana in New York State, many New Yorkers are still left wondering as to what their rights are in regards to usage and how that might affect…

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Child Protective Services During COVID

The last thing any parent wants to deal with when it comes to their children is the Child Protective Services (CPS), the Agency charged with investigating allegations of child…

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How a Prenup can Protect your Assets

Before you walk down the aisle, consider whether a prenuptial agreement with your future spouse is right for you. It may not be the most romantic part of wedding planning, but it…

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Court Trials in the Days of COVID: How Courts and Litigants are Proceeding

The COIVD-19 pandemic has forced courts to adapt new procedures and policies in order to make proceedings safe but productive. For people looking to pursue legal action, there are…

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The Return of COVID and the Courts

COVID-19 is back!  And the outbreak is once again greatly affecting the country, and most heavily, New York State, New York State Courts and Federal Courts.  The Supreme Courts…

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