
Category: Family & Matrimonial Law

Can you find Success as a Divorced Dad?

Regardless of whether or not you end up with primary custody of your child, divorce can have a significant impact on your relationship with your children and, if not handled…

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How Overturning Roe v. Wade Will Impact Parenting Rights

In 1973, the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that a constitutional right to privacy exists, based on decades of precedent going back to 1891. The Court specifically references…

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Debt Following Divorce: How Your Ex’s Student Loans Can Follow You Out of Your Marriage

Like most couples, many don’t plan for divorce. When tying the knot, you may think that all your boons and burdens will be shared with your partner till death do you part. But…

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The NYS Spousal Support Formula: Math or Madness?

As many couples going through divorce or separation in New York are quickly learning, a few years back, the legislature decided that creating a mathematical formula for…

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The Impact of Shared Custody on Child Support

Generally, in New York, like most states, when a couple separates or divorces, and one parent is awarded primary custody of a child, the non-custodial parent is obligated to pay…

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How Marijuana, Other Drug Use and Alcohol Can Affect you in Family Court

With the recent legalization of marijuana in New York State, many New Yorkers are still left wondering what their rights are in regard to usage and how that might affect them and…

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How to Deal with Cryptocurrency and Digital Assets During a Divorce

Cryptocurrency has become one of the newest and most prevalent investments of the last two years. As a result, the courts are now faced with the prospect of having to evaluate and…

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Who Gets the Family Pet in a Divorce?

Effective this past October, New York State passed a law related to custody of pets in divorce. Specifically, this law relates to what are called Companion Animals. Previously,…

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Is Virtual Visitation a Practical Option in a Post-COVID World?

Visitation and child custody cases are rarely easy, and oftentimes the solutions proposed are not very equitable to both parents. Also, a parental separation can lead to the…

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How to Prepare for a Virtual Hearing in Court

Much like the pandemic itself wherein adaptability and preparedness beget success, those same qualities are necessary to find success in court as well. However, as many courts…

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