
Category: Family & Matrimonial Law

Things To Do When Filing for Divorce in New York

Filing for divorce in New York can be a complex and difficult process. To navigate this journey successfully, it’s important to understand the specific requirements and take…

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Necessity of No-Fault Divorce

In 2010, New York added the “no-fault” ground for divorce, otherwise known as DRL §170.7. The addition allowed for one spouse to seek a divorce based upon their statement…

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Common Prenup Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Prenuptial agreements, AKA “prenups,” are certainly not the most romantic considerations when planning to tie the knot, and people may feel uncomfortable discussing their…

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New York Animal (Pet) Custody: Who Gets Custody of Your Pet if You Break Up?

Pet ownership is more prevalent than ever these days, with post-pandemic loneliness encouraging many New Yorkers to add another four-legged friend to their family unit. According…

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Can “Presumptive ADR” become the New Norm for New York Divorces?

In May 2019, upon recommendation by an Advisory Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”), Chief Judge Janet DiFiore and Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence K. Marks…

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How Can a Parent’s Medical Condition Impact Custody in New York?

As we emerge from the pandemic, one of the most frequently asked questions parents might have regarding custody is to what extent a parent’s illness can affect pending or…

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Breaking Up for Valentine’s Day

As Valentine’s season is in full swing, it may seem like everyone around you is engaging in romantic activities with their partner. However, for some, this time of year is a…

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What Happens To Maintenance & Child Support if my Ex Dies?

Divorce can be a complicated process with uncertain results, especially when it comes to the issues of spousal maintenance and child support. Many married couples structure their…

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What Information is Needed to Draft a Prenup in New York?

Couples anticipating marriage often view a prenuptial agreement as an infringement on their love and trust for one another. However, it’s worth considering that marriage is more…

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Can a Divorced Spouse Collect Social Security from Their Former Spouse?

As you near retirement, you may realize that your ideal life does not include your current partner. This isn’t an uncommon thought, as reports by the U.S. Census Bureau…

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