
Category: Employment Law – For Employees

New York’s pregnancy discrimination laws aim to guide employers, protect workers—but it still happens

Although discrimination against pregnant women in the workplace violates federal and New York state law, it still happens in businesses and industries across the state.…

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Sharply split Supreme Court decision could affect millions of public sector employees

The recent United States Supreme Court ruling in Janus v. AFSCME will almost certainly have far-reaching implications for public sector unions across the United States. The…

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OPM Enacts New Requirements to Transition Political Appointees into Career Employees

Agencies seeking to hire current or former political appointees into covered civil service jobs are facing new requirements from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). OPM…

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50 Years after ADEA, Age Discrimination Remains a Problem

50 Years after ADEA, Age Discrimination Remains a Problem The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) is 50 years old. Yet, the protections it put in place for older employees…

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Second Circuit Ruling Opens the Federal Courthouse to Sexual Orientation Discrimination Claims

The debate over whether Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects against sexual orientation discrimination took another turn on February 26, 2018.  The United States…

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New York’s On-call Employees to Receive an Economic Boost Through New Call-in Pay Regulation

A proposed change to New York State’s labor laws would put extra money into the pockets of some on-call workers, but it may come at a cost. Governor Andrew Cuomo and the…

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Paid Family Leave: What Is It, and How Does It Apply to You?

Undoubtedly, you’ve heard by now about New York’s new Paid Family Leave Law. Who does this new law apply to, and what does it do for you? Paid Family Leave is for any employee…

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