
Category: Employment Law – For Employees

What Employers Need to Know About the WARN Act in the Time of Coronavirus

Last week, Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered all non-essential businesses in New York to close in-office personnel functions.  While some employers will be shifting their workforces…

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Workplace Update: What Employers Need to Know Next about Navigating Coronavirus

Responding to an overwhelming call for guidance, here is what employers need to know next about navigating coronavirus issues, as the local, national, and global responses to…

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What Employers Need to Know About Coronavirus

As the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) develops, here is what employers need to know about this upper respiratory infection that has spread internationally from…

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Supreme Court ruling on LGBT protections in the workplace could have far-reaching impact

Employers and employees alike should be aware that an upcoming ruling by the United States Supreme Court regarding lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) protections in…

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Overhauled workplace harassment laws impact all employers, employees in New York State

Employees and employers should be aware that the 2019 New York State Legislature has made it easier for employees to make workplace harassment claims. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo is…

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Alert: Workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation heads to Supreme Court

The future of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals’ civil rights in the workplace will soon be in the hands of the Supreme Court. The nation’s highest…

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Proposed ’Joint Employer‘ Rule Change Could Benefit Employers

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced a proposed rule that would clarify when joint employment exists and, in turn, the responsibilities of “joint employers”…

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Employers should prepare for proposed increase to overtime threshold

A proposed rule would increase the threshold at which employees must be paid to qualify as exempt from overtime requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), according…

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Despite laws intended to prevent it, age discrimination ‘alive and well’ in 2019

Although over fifty (“50”) years has passed since the establishment of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), age discrimination still occurs in the workplace and in…

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Pay equity: Employers should be proactive in seeking new ways to fairly compensate employees, prevent bias

So much for breaking through the glass ceiling. Employers today, in some cases, are still paying men more than women with similar experience who perform similar duties, while many…

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