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With the economy beginning to recover to its pre-pandemic levels, financial wellness has been at the top of mind for many working Americans. This is echoed by recent Gallup poll…
Often used interchangeably, the terms alimony and spousal maintenance both refer to different types of financial support paid by one spouse to another, during or following a…
Thousands of service members across all branches have been involuntarily separated from their military branch following misconduct that has resulted in an administrative…
Prenuptial agreements are legal contracts that outline the division of assets and responsibilities between spouses in the event of a divorce. While these agreements are generally…
It’s hard to pinpoint exactly how long a court-martial will take, but an experienced military lawyer can give you a good approximation of how long your court-martial will…
For individuals who must go through the security clearance adjudication process, each individual attempting to obtain a security clearance must have a sponsor. Once a sponsor is…
“As a remote employee, can I take legal action against my employer in my home state, or do I have to hire a lawyer in the state where my employer is located?” Remote work has…
Divorce is a life-altering event that creates a variety of challenges, not the least of which is deciding how to navigate the legal process. The emotional and financial stakes are…
Is your municipality training new hires to become certified electrical line workers, only to lose them to major utility companies such as NYSEG or Rochester Gas & Electric…
It’s been a little over a year and a half since the three-member MERIT Systems Protection Board (MSPB) has had quorum after a record-setting five years without. While this is…
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