
Author Archive

Military personnel beware: A domestic violence conviction could derail your military career

Military personnel and veterans are often faced with multiple deployments, family separation and reintegration, demanding workloads at home and on duty, head trauma, mental…

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Security clearance changes could have serious impacts on military personnel and federal employees

Have a security clearance? Make sure your bills are paid on time. New security clearance guidelines that include continuous monitoring of the financial status of military…

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New guidelines highlight what contractors can expect when doing business with the federal government

The Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) recently published guidelines clarifying expectations for interactions between OFCCP and…

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Domestic violence plays large factor in outcomes of family, matrimonial cases

Domestic violence occurs across all races, ages and socio-economic statuses, and the majority of individuals involved will likely, at some point, find themselves dealing with the…

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Article 81 Guardianships can provide assistance to a family member in need

When an adult loved one is disabled or becomes incapacitated, family members surely will want to ensure that his or her best interests are represented. Article 81 Guardianships,…

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Grandparent’s rights to visitation: Or not?

By now many are aware that New York State allows grandparents to petition for the right to have visitation with their grandchildren (Domestic Relations Law Section 72). And to do…

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Federal employees who served in the military may be entitled to paid military leave claims

If you are a federal employee who left your agency to serve in the U.S. military in connection with operations relating to fighting international terrorist groups and the…

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Federal court ruling leaves you with little recourse if abused by TSA agents

Airline passengers now have limited legal options in the event of TSA abuse due to a recent ruling by a federal appeals court that Transportation Security Administration…

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Rental scams in New York State: How to avoid them and what to do if you become a victim

New Yorkers looking for rental homes or apartments in the state are falling prey to rental fraud all too often. Rental scams are executed by criminals in a variety of ways, but…

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Top-secret: Select few retain active security clearance after leaving official capacity

It is a longstanding tradition that some high-ranking, former senior officials from past presidential administrations retain active security clearances after leaving their…

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