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Orders of protection can protect spouses in contentious divorces

Divorce is never easy and often can be contentious. Divorcing couples have a lot on their minds and last thing either spouse wants to think about is the prospect of facing…

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Visa-holders encouraged to act quickly as possible changes to immigration law near

Thousands of individuals with H-4 visas who have been permitted to legally work in the United States since a 2015 rule change allowed it may be at risk of losing that…

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Employers should be mindful of employment laws when snowstorms or other emergencies disrupt business

With Winter weather around the corner, employers should make sure they understand and are in compliance with all federal employment laws. Snowstorms—and other types of emergency…

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Congress, FTC Provide New Support for Small Businesses Regarding IP and Cybersecurity

Two recent developments addressing intellectual property (IP) and cybersecurity could have a big impact on the nation’s 30.2 million small businesses. The Small Business…

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You survived the trauma of sexual assault, but what do you do next?

After the trauma of a sexual assault, you may be suffering in many ways and unsure what to do next. You may have a dizzying amount of questions, such as how to report the crime,…

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Yes, it’s legal in Canada, but serious consequences await those trying to bring cannabis across the border

So much for a Canadian Rocky Mountain high! Although the United States and Canada may be involved in many joint endeavors, Americans rolling back from Canada may find border…

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Helpful tips to prevent joint-custody issues from dampening holiday spirits

The holidays are fast approaching and with them often come the challenges of handling joint custody during one of the busiest times of the year. With hectic schedules, travel or…

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In wake of Schoharie limousine tragedy, ensuring personal safety is key

It may not be an everyday occurrence, but when renting a limousine—whether for a wedding, prom or other special occasion—it is a good idea to spend a few extra minutes to take…

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10 must-ask questions before starting a business in New York State

Starting and maintaining your own business is no small feat. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), between 2005 and 2017, 78.6 percent of newly established…

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What employees need to know about New York’s new sexual harassment law

Employees in New York State should be aware that it is now state law that their employers—regardless of size—provide them with written sexual harassment policies. As of…

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