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When developing an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for a student, there are many legal considerations that must be accounted for to ensure that the IEP is effective. The…
Many security clearance applicants are stuck with the dilemma of having to disclose embarrassing and sometimes illegal behavior that they hoped to keep secret. Some have secretly…
On the two-year anniversary of mobile sports wagering being allowed in New York State, Governor Kathy Hochul announced earlier this year that, in total, New York has collected…
In an effort to combat drunk and impaired driving, New York State police and local law enforcement are anticipated to increase patrols this St. Patrick’s Day. Drivers should…
4An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is the cornerstone of what services and goals are to be provided to a student with a disability. IEPs are a living and breathing…
Enjoying remote work? Like having the flexibility of hybrid work to choose when you can show up to the office? You’re not alone, as according to the 2023 Federal Employee…
There is little instant gratification within the Security process. The persistent ebb and flow of security clearance processing times is understood first and foremost through a…
Two recent events may mark the end of the “frequency-of-pay” litigation that has hit New York employers in recent years. First, in a massive victory for New York…
For most federal employees, obtaining and maintaining a security clearance is a must. As such, it’s common for many federal employees to feel some form of anxiety when it comes…
One of the hottest topics surrounding the Merit System Protection Board (MSPB) right now is the general timeframe for appealing an MSPB decision. While those familiar with the…
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