
Author Archive

Legal Update: Durable Powers of Attorney: The Not So Merry-Go-Round 2020 Version

As of this writing, the New York State legislature has passed a bill to revise the statutory short form power of attorney yet again.  It only awaits the governor’s signature to…

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FMLA is the Best Option for Federal Employees Facing a Premature Return to the Office

With states all over the country lifting stay at home orders, many Federal Agencies are beginning to reopen and bringing teleworking employees back to the office, in phases. These…

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COVID-19’s Impact on Temporary Orders of Protection

COVID-19 has impacted every part of American life, including the Court system, and it will likely continue to for some time. With most New York civil courts closed until at least…

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Planning your Estate during the Coronavirus

When Bad Things Are Good Reminders As we venture into uncertain times around COVID-19, it may have caused you to realize that you either have not done your estate planning…

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New York State School Closures: Remote Learning & School District’s Continued Responsibilities and Obligations

In a preemptive strike against the spread of COVID-19 throughout New York State, Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order on March 16th, 2020, mandating that all schools…

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What Employers Need to Know About the WARN Act in the Time of Coronavirus

Last week, Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered all non-essential businesses in New York to close in-office personnel functions.  While some employers will be shifting their workforces…

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Can a state legislatively modify an insurance policy to mandate coverage?

The COVID-19 pandemic has put business interruption & civil authority coverage in the spotlight.  The New York Department of Financial Services has instructed carriers that…

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Workplace Update: What Employers Need to Know Next about Navigating Coronavirus

Responding to an overwhelming call for guidance, here is what employers need to know next about navigating coronavirus issues, as the local, national, and global responses to…

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COVID-19 and Your Custody Orders

With the current COVID-19 Pandemic many states, New York included, have declared a state of emergency and imposed restrictions and containment protocols affecting everyone. Many…

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What Employers Need to Know About Coronavirus

As the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) develops, here is what employers need to know about this upper respiratory infection that has spread internationally from…

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