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What implications does the new exec order have for federal employees’ due process rights?

President Joe Biden’s recent Executive Order (EO) on Protecting the Federal Workforce reverses the limitations on employee due process implemented during the prior…

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NYS Employee Paid Leave Rights for COVID-19 Vaccinations

As COVID vaccinations continue to roll out across New York State, many employees are wondering what their rights are with regard to getting time off to receive the vaccine.…

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Three Consequences of Using Marijuana After Your State “Legalizes”

States across the country are claiming to have legalized marijuana. While they have the authority to do so for State law only, marijuana still remains an illegal Schedule 1 drug…

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What Does OSC’s Amicus Curiae with the MSPB mean for Federal Employees and Whistleblower Retaliation?

The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) recently filed an amicus curiae brief with the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) in Salazar v. Dept. of Veterans Affairs, a whistleblower…

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Veterans Treatment Courts Seek to Rehabilitate Veterans in Lieu of Punishment After an Arrest

If you had served the country and have been arrested you might be thinking to yourself, “how did I get here, and where should I go from here?” Going from serving your country…

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Child Protective Services During COVID

The last thing any parent wants to deal with when it comes to their children is the Child Protective Services (CPS), the Agency charged with investigating allegations of child…

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Three Social Media Activities That Might Cost You Your Security Clearance

It should be no surprise that most clearance holders have active social media accounts on one or more of the many available platforms. Censorship has rapidly increased over the…

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When the Military Picks the Jury Pool, the Deck Becomes Stacked. What Service Members Need to Know Before Going to Court

The difference surrounding how courts go through a jury selection process might seem straightforward on the outside; however, when it comes to military courts, the process is…

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How a Prenup can Protect your Assets

Before you walk down the aisle, consider whether a prenuptial agreement with your future spouse is right for you. It may not be the most romantic part of wedding planning, but it…

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What Will the Biden Administration Mean for the MSPB and the Case Backlog?

Throughout Joe Biden’s bid for the presidency, his campaign was candid about its desire to overturn many of the Trump era policies regarding employment issues, labor law and…

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