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Why hire a veteran, you may ask? Well, apart from the obvious reasons of them being loyal, having a great work ethic, and being great team players and leaders, did you know that…
I hear far too often as a security clearance attorney, “I didn’t know I should hire an attorney” or “my security officer told me I could handle this myself.” In nearly…
As of February 2021, New York joined the majority of states that allow for parties to contract and pay for a third party to carry their child to birth. Many years ago, New York…
Issues pertaining to sexual conduct involving adultery, internet sex crime, and other acts of alleged or purported sexual misconduct are taken very seriously in the military.…
Thousands of service members across all branches have been involuntarily separated from their military branch following misconduct that has resulted in an administrative…
Individuals with security clearances, whether that be a Top Secret (TS), Top Secret–Special Compartmentalized Information (TS-SCI), or Secret, are obligated to disclose…
Over the last year, there has been a surge in interest in two distinct areas for the average citizen: marijuana and the stock market. Changes in many states’ laws have…
Effective June 13, 2021, the New York State Statutory Short Form Durable Power of Attorney will be changing, both substantively, and with regard to execution requirements. To view…
As businesses start to reopen and employees return to the office, state governments and officials across the nation are starting to react in response to the implementation of…
As of early June 2021, approximately forty (40%) percent of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated and fifty (50%) percent received their first dose. State governors, the general…
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