
Author Archive

Veterans Will Now Have Presumptive Conditions for Burn Pit Exposure

The VA has agreed to presume certain disabilities are linked to exposure to toxic fumes from burn pits. The VA will now recognize asthma, rhinitis, and sinusitis as diseases…

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Can the President Force Members of our Military to Take the Experimental COVID Vaccine?

This is a question that is yet to be answered, but tens of thousands of service members across the world want to know. Of course, the answer is “It depends.” For many service…

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Who gets the Pet in a Divorce? From Chattel to Childlike Custody.

Child custody cases can be some of the most emotionally charged battles a person can experience in the course of their life. But these days, the fight for custody has been…

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Marijuana Legalization: What Effect in Family Courts?

The recent changes to the marijuana laws in New York State have already begun to have a huge impact on people’s daily lives. While many are happy about the changes allowing…

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The Essentials for Winning a Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Malpractice Claim

Every year, thousands of vets suffer from the poor medical treatment they receive at VA hospitals or medical facilities. From medication and diagnosis errors, to surgical errors…

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What Service Members Need to Know About Non-Judicial Punishment

Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice Article 15, a Commander or Commanding Officer may give Non-Judicial Punishment to service members to maintain good order and…

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How to Avoid Jeopardizing Your Security Clearance: Guideline F, Financial Considerations

As the Federal security adjudicators return to the office full time, the scrutiny on security clearances and resulting reviews and adjudications will move back to their 2019…

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Military Criminal Records – What do they mean? How do they impact you? How do you correct them?

Everyone has seen the criminal dramas on TV and has a general understanding of what it means to be arrested, but in the military, an “arrest” is quite different. This…

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Another Reason to Celebrate National Hire a Veteran Day

Why hire a veteran, you may ask? Well, apart from the obvious reasons of them being loyal, having a great work ethic, and being great team players and leaders, did you know that…

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Do I Need a Security Clearance Attorney?

I hear far too often as a security clearance attorney, “I didn’t know I should hire an attorney” or “my security officer told me I could handle this myself.” In nearly…

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