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Going through a divorce is never easy, but an uncontested divorce can ease the process by saving both partners time and money. In New York state, an uncontested divorce is the…
A recent case involving a former FBI intelligence officer with a top-secret security clearance who failed three polygraph tests and was subsequently fired has been dismissed by…
Not every relationship results in people having their fairy tale ending. While every breakup has challenges, breakups are even more challenging when children are involved. In…
Service members are entitled to pay and various allowances, as well as special incentives, scholarships, and bonuses. However, sometimes errors or changes in circumstances could…
Have you been discriminated against in the workplace because of your sexual orientation? Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) includes protections against…
Are you a veteran of one of the military branches who might be eligible for veterans’ benefits, but you don’t have an honorable discharge? It can be difficult to establish…
For government employees, contractors, and any other individuals whose roles require access to classified information, obtaining a security clearance is just the first step. The…
Many employees and contractors of the United States federal government, military personnel, and government officials, who require access to classified information in the course of…
Are you a federal employee or jobseeker who has faced discrimination in the workplace? Federal employees and job applicants who believe that a federal agency has discriminated…
Many couples are well aware of how their assets will be split if they divorce, but few are prepared for how their liabilities (i.e., debt) will be handled. Debt in a divorce can…
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