
Articles by Mathew Tully

Tully Rinckey and Price Chopper Donate Thanksgiving Turkeys to Binghamton Vets and Service Members

VESTAL, NY – In an effort to show appreciation to veterans and active-duty military service personnel, law firm Tully Rinckey and Price Chopper Supermarkets are providing…

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Part Two: The MSPB Empowerment Act of 2020 and the Possible Effects on Federal Employees Waiting on Appeals

Part Two of a Two-Part Series In our first article, we addressed the implications of newly proposed legislation, the Merit Systems Protection Board Empowerment Act of 2020…

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Part One: The MSPB Empowerment Act of 2020 and the Possible Effects on Federal Employees Bringing Appeals

Part One of a Two-Part Series On July 30, 2020, members of the House of Representatives, led by Gerald Connolly of Virginia and Carolyn B. Maloney of New York, introduced the…

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FMLA is the Best Option for Federal Employees Facing a Premature Return to the Office

With states all over the country lifting stay at home orders, many Federal Agencies are beginning to reopen and bringing teleworking employees back to the office, in phases. These…

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Albany legal market shakeup won’t slow down anytime soon

The Covid-19 pandemic has done little to slow down the pace of change in Albany’s legal market with more than 75 attorneys switching firms since January. The year started…

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Tully Rinckey adds office in Saratoga Springs

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Albany area law firm Tully Rinckey PLLC said it plans to open an office in Saratoga Springs. The new location, Tully Rinckey’s 13th worldwide and…

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Can President Trump Fire Dr. Fauci?

On January 29, 2020, the U.S. Department of State White House Coronavirus Task Force was created. Over the past two months, its members have been present in the living rooms of…

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Will the TSP Offer Coronavirus Relief Provisions from the CARES Act?

The 2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) was signed in to law by President Trump on March 27, 2020. Aside from the well-known direct stimulus…

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CARES Act encourages employees to stay home rather than return to work

Beefed-up unemployment benefits that the US government is doling out in the coronavirus crisis are so generous they’re encouraging many recipients to stay home from work, The…

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Rights of Federal Employees Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

We are dipping into the mailbag this week, and with the ongoing crisis and uncertainty taking place with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, our law firm is receiving a lot of…

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