
Articles by Mathew Tully

What Federal Employees Should Know About the Delayed Enforcement of the Vaccine Mandate

On November 29th, the Biden administration announced that agencies should hold off on enforcing suspensions or removals until 2022 for federal employees that missed the previous…

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What Can Non-Fully Vaccinated Federal Employees Expect Starting November 9?

The United States Office of Personal Management (OPM) established the guidance that Tuesday, November 9, is the first day federal employees are subject to disciplinary actions for…

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Checking-in on the Current MSPB Nominees and the Record-Setting Case Backlog

The record-setting lack of quorum with the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) is picking up some positive momentum for federal employees. The three President-appointed nominees…

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Must Federal Employees Follow President Biden’s Vaccine Mandate?

President Biden announced on Thursday, September 9, 2021, that he will sign an Executive Order (EO) requiring COVID vaccinations for all federal workers. He further announced that…

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What Does “Long COVID” Being Classified as a Disability Mean for Federal Employees?

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published new guidance in August which recognizes “Long COVID” as a disability under the…

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Understanding FERS Disability Retirement and Your Eligibility

Whether you are a current federal employee or recently separated from your agency within the last year, you may qualify for federal disability benefits if you are no longer able…

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Hatch Act Penalties: Non-Feds Still Face Violations like Federal Employees

Due, in part, to the past two presidential administrations, the general public knows that the Hatch Act prevents federal employees from participating in certain political…

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Legal Ramifications of a Governmentwide Vaccine Requirement

President Biden is expected to announce on Thursday July 29, 2021, that all federal employees and contractors will be required to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or submit to…

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Ask the Attorneys

Q: My employer is now offering money and extra vacation time to employees that get vaccinated and provide proof. Is this legal? What if I was vaccinated before these reward…

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How to Contest Major Disciplinary Actions

No federal employee likes to dwell on the thought of receiving disciplinary action from an agency. However, it is important that employees facing proposed disciplinary action…

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