Articles by Dan Meyer
By Josh Kovensk | Talking Points Memo | September 19, 2019 The mystery over what a confidential intelligence community whistleblower is trying to tell Congress deepened late…
It’s been a near-constant headline in recent weeks. Congress subpoenas a member of the Trump administration seeking documents and information not available to the public. The…
A year after his swearing in as the central inspector general for the 17-agency intelligence community, Michael Atkinson laid out details of how the IC’s new Center for…
Changes to the federal government’s security clearance processes are on their way. Calling it the first major update in 50 years, the federal government currently is laying out…
Many furloughed federal workers took dramatic steps to stay financially afloat during the recent government shutdown. Some took on second jobs; others took out loans through their…
With 800,000 federal workers in lines at food banks, calling in sick and looking for other jobs during the longest government shutdown in history, some labor leaders are calling…
This week, the estimated 800,000 government employees affected by the partial government shutdown are about to start missing their paychecks, and lenders are stepping in with…
During their first hours controlling the House in the 116th Congress, Democrats on Jan. 3 and Jan. 4 pushed through an array of single-chamber rules changes that…
After a four-and-a-half year wait, one of the Senate’s key whistleblower advocates succeeded in arranging the declassification of documents he says show that the CIA…
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