
Articles by Dan Meyer

Dan Meyer on CNN to discuss recent Trump whistleblower allegations

Dan Meyer, Managing Partner of Tully Rinckey’s Washington DC Office, provides commentary around recent whistle blower allegations targeting President Trump.…

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House Subpoenas Giuliani, Trump’s Lawyer, for Ukraine Records

By Nicholas Fandos | The New York Times | October 3, 2019 House Democrats on Monday subpoenaed President Trump’s private lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, a key figure in their…

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Meyer: Trump confused criminal trial with administrative procedure

Former Executive Director of the Intelligence Community’s Whistleblowing Program Dan Meyer says that President Donald Trump is confusing an administrative procedure with a…

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Intelligence whistleblowers face a dangerous path to Congress

By Jenna McLaughlin | Yahoo News | September 20, 2019 When House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., issued a rare subpoena to acting spy chief Joseph…

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Explainer: How might the Trump whistleblower mystery unfold?

By Jan Wolfe | Reuters | September 20, 2019 U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration is in a standoff with leaders of the Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives…

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DNI Whistleblower Tip About Trump Phone Call Alarms Former Intel Officials

By Josh Kovensk | Talking Points Memo | September 19, 2019 The mystery over what a confidential intelligence community whistleblower is trying to tell Congress deepened late…

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Subpoena showdown: Congressional fights highlight differences from court processes

It’s been a near-constant headline in recent weeks. Congress subpoenas a member of the Trump administration seeking documents and information not available to the public. The…

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Intel Community Watchdog Now Runs Revamped Whistleblower Center

A year after his swearing in as the central inspector general for the 17-agency intelligence community, Michael Atkinson laid out details of how the IC’s new Center for…

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Federal employees should prepare for more nimble and aggressive security clearance decision-making process

Changes to the federal government’s security clearance processes are on their way. Calling it the first major update in 50 years, the federal government currently is laying out…

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Furloughed Feds Should Avoid GoFundMe, Ethics Office Says

Many furloughed federal workers took dramatic steps to stay financially afloat during the recent government shutdown. Some took on second jobs; others took out loans through their…

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