In The News

What you need to know if you have a marijuana-related conviction

CAPITAL REGION (WRGB) — Now that recreational use of cannabis is legal in New York, what happens to the records of individuals convicted of marijuana related charges? With the…

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Federal judge blocks New York vaccine requirement for health care staff

UTICA, N.Y. (AP) — A federal judge has temporarily blocked the state of New York from forcing medical workers to be vaccinated after a group of health care workers sued, saying…

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Soldiers Have 3 Months to Get COVID Vaccine or Face Discharge, with Few Waiver Options

Active-duty soldiers have three months to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or face a possible discharge from the force, the Army announced Tuesday. The 485,900 soldiers on…

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Biden scrambles to defeat the surging virus, salvage agenda

President Biden on Thursday forced federal workers to get the COVID-19 vaccine and compelled private employers to crack down, too, as he resorts to heavy measures in a scramble to…

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Hundreds of local employers prepare for looming COVID-19 vaccine mandate

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) — Employers with more than 100 workers will soon have to require them to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or get tested on a weekly basis. The major…

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Must Federal Employees Follow President Biden’s Vaccine Mandate?

President Biden announced on Thursday, September 9, 2021, that he will sign an Executive Order (EO) requiring COVID vaccinations for all federal workers. He further announced that…

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Federal Contractors Will Have a Vaccine Mandate Similar to Federal Employees

President Biden will sign an executive order on Thursday to require federal contractors to be vaccinated against COVID-19, alongside their federal employee colleagues. Biden will…

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As Biden enacts vaccine policies, military members seek legal help to object mandates

WASHINGTON — Attorneys representing military members concerned about the vaccine mandates expect more pushback following new requirements by President Joe Biden to increase the…

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Federal vaccine mandate could cause logistical challenges for CNY companies

Local companies and agencies are now reviewing President Biden’s COVID-19 testing mandate for unvaccinated Americans, the most aggressive push the administration has made to…

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VERIFY: Is it legal for the federal government to mandate vaccines for federal, private employees?

WASHINGTON — Nearly nine months after the first COVID-19 vaccine was approved for emergency use, President Biden announced that tens millions of American workers will now be…

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