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Animal abuse registry created in Columbia County

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COLUMBIA COUNTY, NY (WTEN) — Before adopting or buying a pet in Columbia County, shelters and pet stores now have to check a new animal abuse registry. Holding animal abusers accountable has been an ongoing effort in the area for three years.

The original registry was voted down back in July. Chairman Matt Murell says that since then, some technical issues with the bill have been fixed and now passed on Wednesday night with a 14-8 vote. “It’s going to be harder for people to sort of skirt the issue of if they abused a pet and getting a pet somewhere else.”

Anyone convicted of abusing companion animals like dogs and cats; even horses and pigs that are kept as pets will be put on the registry. “Then when animal rescues, breeders, pet stores; when they check the registry, they’ll know if they’re on there or not and it will be easy to deny people,” explained Deputy Wendy Guntert.

Before Columbia had a registry, the local humane society would check in with counties that did to see if a convicted abuser was attempting to adopt. “We have had one instance that I’m aware of and it was fairly recent. That’s all I can comment on but it has protected at least against one,” described Jessica Farkas, Columbia-Greene Humane Society Shelter Manager.

Partner and CEO of Tully Rinckey PLLC, Michael Macomber, sent NEWS10’s Anthony Krolikowski the following statement on the distinction between pets and farm animals:

“The Columbia County Board of Supervisors recognized there is an animal abuse problem in the county, and they are working to curb the problem with this animal abuse registry. While it is a well-intended initiative the question will be whether the law withstands any legal challenges as to whether the law is arbitrary and capricious.  A potential challenge could be the distinction between farm animals and companion animals and whether that distinction is either arbitrary or vague.”

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