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Bethlehem Threats Carry Serious Charges

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BETHLEHEM, NY (WTEN) — Schools in Bethlehem had an increased police presence on Thursday, after the third threat of violence in the last 48 hours. No arrests have been made in any of the three threats but the suspect, or suspects, could face some serious charges.

According to an attorney, if the perpetrator or perpetrators are minors, they could appear in front of a judge in family court or face a misdemeanor charge.

However, because of the nature of the threats and because the threats have continued over the last two days, that would likely lead to more serious charges.

Under New York State penal law, the Bethlehem threats meet the definition of a terroristic threat.

“And that is a Class D felony, which carries prison sentences up to seven years, meaning it can be from one to seven years,” said Attorney Nicholas Marricco.

He’s a former prosecutor, who graduated from Albany Law School, and describes just how serious the legal ramifications are.

Marricco said probation is possible but he believes authorities would push for jail time, if they find the suspect, or suspects.

The lawyer from Tully Rinckey said, if authorities can find where the threats came from, they have grounds for an emergency search warrant. And what’s found there could carry additional charges.

“If there’s an actual firearm or a weapon on the property that can also carry criminal possession of a firearm, criminal possession of a weapon,” said Marricco.

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