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No panhandling signs going up in Schenectady

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It’s a way for some people to make money, but for county leaders, it’s a danger. Schenectady County is standing up to panhandling.  “Panhandling in front of my street is dangerous. I don’t like it because it’s unsafe and people take advantage of people with disabilities,” said resident Andrew Hausar.

Schenectady County Chair, Gary Hughes, has other concerns on his mind.  “We have asked and received permission from the New York State DOT to install on the exit 4C off-ramp from 890, a sign that indicates no panhandling, no loitering. The purpose of the sign is to allow our campus safety people here and our sheriff’s deputies who serve in that capacity to be able to enforce a no loitering, no standing condition that exists,” said Hughes.

This is also a concern shared by SUNY Schenectady President Dr. Steady Moono. “That is an incredibly busy intersection and in fact we’ve had several accidents. So, we are concerned about the safety of that type and the safety for our students and the safety for our community members,” stated Dr. Moono.

“Right here, this is a bad spot, a very bad spot. People sometimes don’t see them and having homeless people that are panhandling like this lady here will get hit,” said Maurice Scott. NEWS10 reporter James De La Fuente spoke to that woman who told him that she was not worried about her safety and walked away. Yet, others feel differently.

“I come down because I feel bad, they’re sleeping on the concrete,” said concerned resident Kimbelry Velev.

“So, when they’re standing out there and they’re panhandling yes, they’re going to get hurt. But as long as they stay off the highway, they really don’t bother me,” said concerned resident Destiny Tomchek.

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