
Articles by Barbara King

Can You Sign a Prenup After Marriage?

A prenuptial agreement is an agreement signed by a couple before the marriage ceremony occurs. So while you cannot sign a traditional prenup after marriage, the legal system…

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What To Do When You Don’t Receive Expected Child Support

When the child support payments you have been relying on stop arriving, it has the potential to throw your financial stability and your child’s wellbeing into jeopardy and cause…

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Bill decriminalizing adultery awaits Gov. Hochul’s signature

ALBANY, N.Y. — Committing adultery is a violation of the Ten Commandments according to the Bible, but many people are unaware it is also a Class B Misdemeanor in New York state.…

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What Information is Needed to Draft a Prenup in New York?

Couples anticipating marriage often view a prenuptial agreement as an infringement on their love and trust for one another. However, it’s worth considering that marriage is more…

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Do Grandparents Have Visitation Rights in New York?

For grandparents, the relationship with your grandchild can be one of the most important things in the world for you. But what happens when the child’s parents prevent you from…

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The NYS Spousal Support Formula: Math or Madness?

As many couples going through divorce or separation in New York are quickly learning, a few years back, the legislature decided that creating a mathematical formula for…

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Pandemic expected to increase divorce numbers

According to 2019 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are more than 2,000 divorces each day. Experts predict the pandemic will increase those…

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Who Gets the Family Pet in a Divorce?

Effective this past October, New York State passed a law related to custody of pets in divorce. Specifically, this law relates to what are called Companion Animals. Previously,…

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New York gives birth to Paid Surrogacy

As of February 2021, New York joined the majority of states that allow for parties to contract and pay for a third party to carry their child to birth. Many years ago, New York…

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The Return of COVID and the Courts

COVID-19 is back!  And the outbreak is once again greatly affecting the country, and most heavily, New York State, New York State Courts and Federal Courts.  The Supreme Courts…

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